World Cup 2014 in Argentina
Wednesday, October 15, 2014What was the World Cup like in Argentina you ask? Well it was basically one big party. People were actually happy and nice and excited. You could really feel a change in the city. I think people were really excited for each game to start, well each game that Argentina played in. All the other games were basically time fillers in between the real games which were the Argentinas games.
The argentine flag was everywhere and world cups banners and posters celebrated Messi and the rest of the team were everywhere. I've never seen a whole country rally around one sporting event like the Argentines did during the World Cup.
We were able to go downtown to watch a game in the park where the city had installed giant screens to watch the game. It really was an experience. I've never heard so many old men cuss and yell in Spanish. La puta que te pariooooo, la concha de tu madre, la puta que le pario fue falta... Even my wife let out a couple,, every time Argentina scored we cheered and jumped and everybody kissed, I guess in Argentina it's really important to kiss the person you are with when Argentina scores, luckily I had Monica. It was fun, smokey, (lots of people smoked) crowded and exciting.
The rest of the World Cup was entertaining and luckily for the country Argentina made it to the final, I think people were more nervous than excited and were really disappointed not to have beaten Germany. It felt like the whole country had died and forgotten the joy and good spirit they had had for the whole tournament. People went back to their daily lives and people started talking about crime and inflation and the good times were forgotten. It was amazing to see what soccer could do to a whole country and something that the United States and Americans in the usa really will never understand about the soccer.
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